We’re creating a better way to thrive, built on trust & respect that will reflect a positive change in the world.
Hear from one of our clients:
Drug Attachment - Adverse Effects of Ritalin
Hyperactivity, Impulsivity Drug Free
Attachment Disorder
Hyperactivity, Aggression
Improved/Increased IQ
Improved Memory
Improved Processing Speed
Have you looked into HEG? My daughter is ADHD rather than autistic but many are using HEG with autistic children. HEG has definitely has helped in our case. I credit it with relieving my daughter's attachment issues.
Additionally, she now will hold eye contact whereas before her eyes were constantly darting. HEG is easy to use. Hershel Toomim, the HEG inventor and a participant on this list, will help you get started. With the Pocket Neurobics A3 and the HEG headband, you can use HEG independently of the computer. The A3 also supports EEG.
"Inability to maintain focus is a hallmark of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Neurofeedback to date has not been focused on this particular facet of this disorder. Rather correction of brain electrical activity has been the norm. Training graphs of Hemoencephalography (HEG) reveal failures of attention as they are happening. Queries of the trainee about thoughts at these times reveals the wandering thoughts that invade attention and prevent continued focus.
Brain plasticity studies reveal the tremendous capacity of the brain to meet a repetitive focused demand for behavior change. With repetition these changes become habits requiring no conscious attention.
Classical EEG neurofeedback meets the ADD challenge by repeated sessions devoted to changing brain electrical activity. One clear behavior demanded by this training is repetitive focus on a prescribed activity for many sessions. This may well be habit forming!
HEG, on the other hand, lends itself to behavior training where focus is constantly measured. A new attention measurement has been devised. This measurement is continuously presented for maximization by the trainee. At the end of each trial a final score for attention is recorded, graphed, and presented for progress evaluation.
Clinical trials show this to be an effective method whereby focus becomes better session-by-session."
"For the past month I had the pleasure of helping a 6 year-old English girl. The child's mother's mother is St Lucian, the father is an English ne'er do well with minimal involvement with the child. The mother, the child's foster father, and child were here for four weeks, and learned to train the epiliptic child on the Play Attention (PA) and the Toomim HEG (nIR). My experience with children similar to S.K. is that at least 200 half hour EEG sessions of training will be needed.
S.K. had a complex history of infantile autistic features complicated by infective disease at age 4 which knocked her developmentally back to infantile emotions, learning, memory and behavior.
Just before leaving England to consult me, SK was assessed by a neurologist as developmentally 18-24 months. Of course, IMO the highly qualified MD did not spend an adequate amount of time with the child herself; but, its nice to get such a low start line so that when I finish my own work I seem so much more competent. Mother was advised by multiple professionals to warehouse the child, no hope offered. My own assessment, and that of a qualified assistant was that the child was developmentally at least 3 years old. Of course, I spend a lot of time crawling around the floor with the child.
We applied Play Attention. We initiated training by having Mother model training for the child, and we initially denied S.K. access to the helmet. (put, WHY DID THE KIDS PUT JAM ON THE CAT? into google if you don't understand why). Father bought a bike helmet and had the child swimming, eating, playing whilst wearing the helmet - good behaviorist! We also applied nIR (Toomim's) HEG with the helmet over the headband sensor.
Initially the child was ignoring the monitor so we used my own preferred screen (an xy graph) and father simply hummed when the blood flow was increasing (the graph going up).
The child's very limited vocabulary (Hello. How are you? What are you doing? - to which mother continually made the elegant response, "I'm loving you.") began to grow, her first new word was "EXCELLENT." This reflected my own obsessive use of "Very Good!" "Very Good!" "EXCELLENT!!!"
As usual IME in a very short time the combination of EEG and HEG was followed by substantial positive development. God Bless Mary Cover Jones! and all other pioneers in the healing of children.
I find that when children are exposed to my eight different systems (Play Attention (PA), BioComp, F-1000b, Neurocybernetics, Pocket Neurobics[PN] (using Bio-Explorer), Brain III (Deymed), A620 Autogen, and EBT at 11 stations (I have two each of the F1000b, PN and PA); subsequently they typically choose the Bio-Explorer [PN] and the PA. I run every child on all 8 systems and change the locations of the devices - I do have one highly preferred and two significantly more preferred stations among my 11 instruments."
S.K. and her parents have returned to England bearing a PA and a pendant HEG from Hershel with hope bright in their hearts.
Swimming pool accident (4 1/2 year-old girl)

"We have had good results with young kids using HEG. Believe it or not, we had a 4-1/2 year-old female client who almost drowned in her swimming pool and had severe brain damage.
She presented with an inability to control her bowels and had no apparent contact with the outside world. EEG training proved to be non-productive but pIR HEG proved to enhance her eye contact and her ability to gain control of the HEG. After 10 HEG sessions, her incontinence was significantly improved and she was making regular eye contact. After 20 HEG sessions, she was free of incontinence and maintained steady eye contact. This was amazing to both parents.
We have had stunning success training HEG at Fpz, Fp1, and Fp2, as well as T5. Training was 2x week for 2 weeks, then we switched to weekly training. I've seen him for a total of ten sessions. We began training for three minutes per site, and have worked up to 8 minutes. Written letter and number reversals are no longer a problem - handwriting is easy to read. He no longer struggles with character reversals when he reads, either (those were less of a problem for him initially because he was using a lot of contextual cues in his reading). His writing is still slow, and this is partly because he uses atypical letter strokes - but they're all facing the right direction! He has responded well to retraining on the strokes for writing his numbers and we may tackle the alphabet too, but he's still thinking that over. It's a matter of efficiency, not correctness." (Until now, he has needed to write his letter/numbers from the bottom, up, using the line for a spatial anchor.)
My best outcome was a 12 year old girl with severe OCD that went into full remission in 14 sessions (I added a minor amount of behavior therapy). Since it works on improving executive functioning, there isn't the "wow" effect you might see on some NFB protocols. It’s slower, but steady, and seems to have a lasting effect. It appears to keep helping the brain improve for months after sessions. I liken it to the effect of turning on lights in an empty, formerly dark part of a busy warehouse. At first you marvel at the discovery of this unused area, then find use for it and before long its fully operational and integrated.
Dr. Staso