The brain map identifies markers correlated with cognitive, emotional and behavioral brain health.
Brain maps use sophisticated software to assess your brain challenges and strengths. The date collected are a reflection of your brain potential which can be improved with training and support.
A brain map provides ​scientific​ and​ ​objective​ assessment​ data about your brain's activity, energy, and cognitive function. It identifies challenges in brain function related to brain trauma, developmental and emotional disorders and learning disabilities. Your brain map can empower you to begin a customized brainwave training plan designed by an experienced team of brain trainers.
During brain mapping, electrical signals or pulses are recorded from biosensors that are placed onto your scalp. The data collected, produces a map of your brain derived from different conditions presented during the assessment. The data are then organized into relevant measurement categories including frequency, amplitude, connectivity and stability. These features define how your brain communicates.
Your brain map will identify activity and patterns that are correlated in quantitative electroencephalographic research to the challenges that you report. EEG research patterns were identified by comparing people's brains with particular issues (for example attention deficit or anxiety) against other people's brains. If your brain pattern is the same as the training goal, then training to change the pattern can be expected to change the symptom, behavior or mood.